Club Combat Plane
The Club has chosen the Flite Test Bloody Wonder as the club combat plane for the Combat Fun-fly. This plane is inexpensive to build, very durable – semi crash resistant, flies great, and allows many options. The intent of this project is to keep it cheap and use any electronics you already have. If you don’t have the materials, on this page you will find the links to buy the materials to build the plane. You can purchase the speed build kit from the Flite Test Store or download the planes from this page. Below is the build log video. This plane can built in an afternoon.
Here is the Thirty-Four minute instructional video from Flite Test assembling the Bloody Wonder:
Detailed build video for the power pod (fuselage) available here.
Read the build thread and some building tips from Flite Test.
There are a few options you can do to build the Bloody Wonder. The quickest way is to purchase the speed build kit from the Flite Test Store. The other options are to print the plans at the nearest Fedex Office or Staples or print the tiled version of the plans at home and tape or glue them together. Then go to Dollar Tree, Michaels, Wal-Mart or Target and buy some foam board. Below are the options to start building the Bloody Wonder.
Go to the Flite Test store to purchase the speed build Bloody Wonder kit.
Full Size Plans
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Flite Test Bloody Wonder Wing and Fuselage Plans
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If you want to download these plans, you can print them at home, then you will have to tape or glue them together. These are the Flite Test Bloody Wonder Wing and Fuselage tiled plans.
Flite Test Bloody Wonder Wing and Fuselage Tiled Plans
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The club has limited the power to 300 watts. You can use any Motor, Propeller, Battery, Electronic Speed Controller as long as you do not exceed 300 watts. Some recommended motors are listed below:
NTM Prop Drive Series 28-26A 1200kv / 250w
Suppo 2212/10 1400kv Brushless Motor (Park 400 equiv.)
Emax XA2212-1400kv Outrunner Brushless Motor
The electronics in this plane are a 400xt Brushless motor, Castle Creations Phoenix 25 ESC, Battery 1300mah 3 cell Lipo, APC 9X7e prop, and two Hobby King 939 metal gear servos. The power setup is 170 watts. To have a great combat airplane the recommended power setup needs to be around 225+ watts of power!
Finishing Paint – This plane was painted with Rustoleum 2X paint. You can use any kind of paint on this material, or if you really want to, you can even finish it with a magic marker!
The Club is looking forward to see your Bloody Wonder Combat plane. Good luck with your quick build!